Art Commissions Status

What's Open?

Commissions: Closed

Art Trade: Open (Friends & Mutuals Only)

Requests: Closed


Rules and Guidelines:

  • Specify on rather you want a SFW or a NSFW request/commission.
  • Don't beg, demand, or threaten me for your request/commission to be finished or worked on.
  • Don't beg, demand, or threaten me for free art if commissions are open.
  • You must clarify & specify of what you want going on in your commission.
  • You must not request me something that is too difficult.
  • Don't ask me to follow you or be your friend, so you can get the Art Trade.
  • Don't request/commission me to make NFTs, I don't do that shit. NFTs are a scam.
  • If you're a scammer, get the fuck out of here!

    Prohibited Content that I will NOT do:

  • Gore and Gore Pornography
  • Scat and Watersports/Urine
  • Farts*
  • Giantess*
  • Torture and Rape
  • Real People
  • Lolicon/Shotacon
  • Political
  • Hateful, Controversial, and/or Disrespectful
  • Complex Characters, Objects, etc.**

    * means I only do them for non-commissioned artworks.

    ** means there are some exceptions.


    I have a right to decline, or delay your Request/Art Trade/Commission at anytime for any reason.

    Please be respectful. :)

    Cool Blue Outer Glow Pointer