In order to stay in the server, you must comply with the rules and guidelines. Violating these rules will result in receiving consequences.

Rules are subject to change for any reason, and all members will be notified about it.

General Rules:

1. Follow Discord's TOS and Policies!
It should be obvious.
2. Be respectful!
This is not a place for hate, bullying, and harassment. Treat others equally and don't be a dick.
3. Send messages on the correct channel!
Please make sure to place your messages on the right channel, and read the topic of the channel to see what the channels are for.
4. Must be 18+ to join!
Minors are not allowed to participate in the server. We expect all members to be 18+ and not a minor in disguise. If you're found to be under 18, you will be banned and/or be reported.
5. Not all kinds of content is allowed!
Most of the content (including NSFW) is allowed, but some are not & may also be illegal. Some may get members uncomfortable and must be marked as spoilers.
What's Prohibited:
  • Scat and Watersports/Urine
  • Realistic or Extreme Gore
  • Torture and Rape
  • IRL Farts
  • Beastiality
  • Sexual Depictions of Minors (including Lolicon and Shotacon)
  • (Aged-up characters are fine)
  • Leaked content (Example: Patreon-only content)
What's Permitted, but must be marked as Spoilers and also have a warning:
  • Farts*
  • Vore*
  • Gore art (!)
Those with a asterisk (*) at the end must go on #⁠nsfw-weird.
(!) - It depends on how gory it is and what it is. If you're unsure, contact the owner (MeanieSturgill).
6. AI-generated content is not allowed!
Any content made primarily with AI is not allowed. The only exceptions to this if it was posted onto #⁠ai-room and #⁠nsfw-ai-room and if it's used for memes or for laughs.
Note that AI should NOT and will NEVER replace creativity!!
7. Low effort/quality content is not allowed!
Bad drawings and bad low effort/quality content is not allowed. This doesn't apply to memes and shitposts.
8. Keep the server drama free!
Please do not spread drama, start drama, or start heated arguments on here. It's completely unnecessary.
9. Edgy Memes must go on #⁠edgy-meme-room!
It's self-explanatory, memes and shitposts with dark humor must go onto that channel and that channel only.
10. Accounts must not be too young!
Your account must be at least 90 days old. If your account is under 90 days, you'll be kicked. The only exception to this is if the recently created account is made by someone that I or anyone else know.

Rules for these that can invite other people and has a @Superstars role:

One of the purposes for the Superstar role, is that members who are trusted enough will be able to invite their friends and other people. This is also to prevent bad actors from interfering with the server (such as raids and very bad people for example).

Read the following rules below and make sure who you're inviting will also follow the #⁠rules-and-guidelines.

1. Only Invite people you know are 18 or older.
If a user is 18+, Be transparent with the admins about their age and who they are. Lying about their age is not tolerated.
2. Do not share invite links to other servers without approval.
It depends on the size of or what type of server. But please don't share the invite links to a larger server, otherwise shit ton of users would join as well, which makes it hard to verify people.
3. Do not use the invite link that doesn't expire.
Only give these kinds of invite links to someone in DM, in case they leave the server, but wanted to rejoin later.
4. Non-Superstars and Non-members are not allowed to invite without admin approval!
The role exists for a reason and we expect you to know better. If a member without the role invites others without admin approval, they'll be banned.
If a non-member shares the invite link (like with intent to start a harassment campaign), users that are invited by the non-member will be banned (maybe temporarily in some cases).


By joining the server, you agree to these set of rules. If you don't agree to these rules, then don't join.

Contact me to requast an invite link!